GIV Mobile IV Therapy | What are natural ways to get more energy?
IV energy booster

What are natural ways to get more energy?

Here are some tips for Natural ways to get more energy

  1. Drink More Water
  2. Exercise Regularly
  3. Prioritize Alone Time
  4. Take an influence Nap
  5. Avoid Sugar
  6. Eat Vitamins

The human body is a complex system that requires a proper balance of several components to ensure optimal functioning. Even though you may take great care of your body, follow a good diet and exercise regimen, you still may be deprived of essential nutrients. Further, the natural aging process can take a toll on your body’s natural energy.

You may also observe the visible impact of stress with weakened immune systems. A combination of stress, alcohol, lack of adequate sleep, and poor diet can make you lack key elements that are needed to be stronger, healthy, and attentive.

You may argue there are all the essential nutrients in the whole foods that we eat, but are you consistently eating a healthy diet with whole foods?  Do you have a busy lifestyle that comes into play and is unable to meet adequate levels of the nutrition your body needs?

Intravenous therapy can help you to get all the missing nutrients much faster than getting them from food. It is also extremely beneficial for people who are on a controlled pattern of diets because of their health issues or individual choices to help obtain essential nutrients.

What is intravenous therapy?

  • Intravenous (IV) therapy utilizes a precise mixture of nutrients that are customized to your needs and infused directly into the bloodstream. Since these nutrients will not pass through the digestive system before entering the blood, the body will get access to complete nutrients much quicker. Even though IV therapy was used for many years for people with various ailments in hospitals, it has started to be used as energy boosters in recent years. This was initially found by Dr. John Myers who combined minerals and vitamins and gave them to patients via IV therapy to work on several issues like fatigue, migraine, and arthritis. This therapy was called Myers Cocktail and included essentials like calcium, magnesium, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, thiamine, and vitamin B12. In recent years, there are several versions of this formula.
  • You may find it difficult to have an adequate source of energy while you balance your profession, family, and passion in routine life. You may experience constant tiredness and feel foggy, sleepy, or even sick. Several oral multivitamins try to solve the issue but come with a slower process after passing through the digestive system. Any type of advanced tablet you consume daily will have to pass through the digestive tract and enter the bloodstream. Through this process, a small percentage of essential nutrients are absorbed by the body and utilized for key functions.
  • With reliable IV therapy, you absorb a significant portion of these essentials very swiftly. The IV drips are filled with vitamin B, vitamin B12, and magnesium to provide you with the precise energy boost when needed. As there is no requirement for waiting several days to find the results, the majority of patients will see peak energy levels and a boost in mood instantly after the treatment. This is not similar to caffeine; in that, you will not find an adrenal rush or a crash. The energy booster therapy that you get from IV hydration will be calm, collected, and composed which lets you face all the routine tasks more cheerfully and filled with enthusiasm. This experience of high energy levels may be felt immediately after the treatment, and will gradually come down as the effects begin to fade.

Is IV therapy safe?

A reliable IV therapy from an experienced practitioner will consist of safe and similar ingredients that you get from consuming a healthy diet but in a concentrated formula. There will be no extra injections apart from the one that is employed during the hydration that is similar to a blood test or vaccination. Even though the ingredients involved are safe, ensure to choose an experienced practitioner to administer the treatment. They should analyze the specific body requirements of an individual and customize the plan for every requirement by choosing appropriate ingredients.

Energy boosters from GIV Hydration:

  • Select the finest energy boosters from GIV hydration and negate your fatigue to keep a positive mood throughout the day. If your routine life is busy and filled with multiple deliverables, low energy levels can be highly annoying. Get an immediate boost of energy to eliminate this sluggishness and be active in your activities.
  • Energy Booster IV treatment consists of a concentrated form of B12, Vitamin C, and Glutathione to aid you in getting essentials for enhancing your day. Filled with an adequate amount of IV fluid for an enhanced effect.
  • Vitamin C is an ascorbic C acid that is a key antioxidant that safeguards the cells from free radical damage.  Free radicals damage has been linked to several diseases.
  • Vitamin B12 blend that is termed as the energy vitamin, maintains the nerve and blood cells in a healthy state. Vitamin B12 also avoids megaloblastic anemia that leads to weakness in the body.  Our Energy Booster IV therapy will also aid in carrying oxygen through your body to blood cells increasing energy levels.
  • Glutathione is an antioxidant that is generated inside the body. If the body lacks adequate glutathione, free radicals can dent the functionality of the body’s cells leading to several ailments, low energy, and decreased immunity. This Energy Booster IV therapy provides you with essential energy levels, in addition to vital vitamins and antioxidants.

Final thoughts:

When you are constantly juggling to meet the demands of your daily schedule, you may find it tough to maintain consistent energy levels. If you’re suffering from low energy levels and finding it difficult to be productive in your routine tasks, you may need an improved solution than just caffeine and sugar.

IV therapy from a reliable company like GIV hydration can give you the essential energy boost you need and we are proud of our 40 years of combined experience.

We offer a top-level, concierge-style mobile IV service at the location of your choice. Whether it be in-home, at the office, an athletic event or a special occasion, our extremely skillful healthcare professionals will give top-notch health and wellness services personalized to your complete satisfaction.