GIV Mobile IV Therapy | What Are the Most Important Vitamins Required for a Strong Immune System?
Immunity IV Support Therapy

What Are the Most Important Vitamins Required for a Strong Immune System?

Who doesn’t want to be healthy all the time? While we cannot have complete control over our immune system all the time, there are possibilities to take crucial steps to increase the efficiency of our immune systems. While you can always eat vitamin-rich foods and follow a rigorous workout regimen to boost the immune system, the current COVID-19 pandemic has enhanced the importance like never before. Below are knowledge and the importance of having a strong immune system and essential vitamins that aid the body when you take them at regular intervals.

Immune System:

  • The human immune system is a complex structure of precise cells that are important for the entire body right from the brain to digestion and all other places. There are many complexities involved in the immune system that is still being studied, vitamins are important in supporting them for a longer period. The immune system is jolted heavily when it is sick and you need to boost back it to perform the routine activities and stay active in life.
  • Many people are affected by a bad choice of food consumption over prolonged periods. This could be due to economic elements or relying hugely on highly processed foods. But this could lead to major problems of developing a deficiency in key vitamins that are important for a healthy immune system. It is crucial to take care of our diet for maintaining healthy levels of vitamins that ensure optimal operation of immune systems.
  • During the Covid-19 pandemic, people understood the importance of the immune system to a large extent. A great defense to the body is decreasing exposure to viruses and bacteria by following a few safety guidelines. You must always wash your hands, reduce exposure, reduce touching of facial features, and do not hug or do handshakes. These precautions are always good but they can’t guarantee you that they will surely safeguard you from all the ailments that may affect the immune system. If you want to reduce the chances of your body getting affected by illness, then you must need below mentioned key vitamins.

Most Important Vitamins Required for a Strong Immune System:

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C an antioxidant that plays a major aid to the immune system with its huge support to cellular functions. An adequate dose of Vitamin C is useful in negating the effects of viruses. You may try to get your Vitamin C abundantly in Citrus fruits or with Vitamin C supplements. You can also abundantly find the sources of vitamin C in foods like kiwi, mangoes, etc. It is also called ascorbic acid that is a potent antioxidant and responsible for the healthy maintenance of multiple enzymes in our body.
  • Zinc: Zinc is also an antioxidant that decreases the levels of inflammation in the body. If your body is deficient in zinc, then your immune system is susceptible. Zinc is a key element to stay away from many ailments and the generation of new immune system cells. It is highly found in animal sources but also found in vegetarian sources like baked beans, yogurt, and chickpeas.
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is key in enhancing your immune system especially whenever there are chances of being exposed to viruses and bacteria. This is found abundantly in eggs, chicken, fish, and fish oils. It is very important to keep checking the vitamin D levels and ensuring to take appropriate supplements accordingly. Along with all these sources, another best and natural source of vitamin D is sunlight. But be careful to not get exposed more as it will contain harmful UV rays which can be harmful to the body.
  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A comes in two types of sources: one in natural animal sources like meat, fish (Tuna is a great source) and diary or secondly from plant carotenoids. Carotenoids are from plant sources like sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe, butternut squash, and dark green leafy vegetables.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant that aids in supporting your body to fight against infections. Peanuts, Almonds, sunflower seeds, or hazelnuts are abundant sources of vitamin E. This vitamin is a major contributor to over 200 biochemical reactions in the body and an important element in the functioning of the immune system.
  • Folic acid: Folic acid is the synthetic form of natural Folate. Folic acid is supplemented in various foods in recent years. Consume lentils, avocados, and beans in your food along with leafy vegetables.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium is another important mineral along with vitamin D and C to carry the enzymatic process in the human body. Magnesium aids in converting vitamin D into a usable version of our system. It is key for protecting our immune system and shield us from various ailments. Many people tend to neglect to check if the magnesium levels are appropriate in the body.
  • Iron: Iron aids in carrying oxygen to the cells of the system and plays a crucial role in keeping the immune system in check. Iron is available across both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods. The human body can absorb iron by consuming small amounts of Red meat, turkey, chicken, canned fish like sardines, clams, oysters, mussels, canned light tuna. Vegetarians can find the sources abundantly in food items like broccoli, beans, kale, and iron-fortified cereals.
  • Selenium: Selenium tends to have a prevailing effect on the human immune system, including the ability to slow the body’s response responses to certain destructive types of cancer. Guarantee to you consume foods like garlic, broccoli, sardines, tuna, and barley.

Bottom Line:

COVID-19 was a wake-up call for how important a healthy strong immune system truly is. Hence it is crucial to search & book with mobile iv therapy near me, who carry the necessary skills and technical systems for boosting the immune system. With super Immune Booster containing high doses of Vitamin C, hydration, and zinc and combined with IV Hydration, and you’ll be well on your way to supporting a healthy and robust immune system.