GIV Mobile IV Therapy | How IV Therapy Can Help With Seasonal Allergies
IV Ketamine Therapy

How IV Therapy Can Help With Seasonal Allergies

The pollen is everywhere around Raleigh, Charlotte, and Greensboro, NC. It seems like there’s no escaping it from front porches to cars and window sills. Sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes can make it hard to enjoy the beautiful weather (or
even leave the house). Fortunately, there are many things you can do to mitigate the symptoms of seasonal allergies, including IV Therapy.

Our customized drips deliver a powerful concentration of vitamins that can help both acute symptoms and chronic allergies. One of our favorite IV therapies for allergy relief is the Myers Cocktail – here are a few reasons why…

The Myers Cocktail: Our Recommended Cocktail for Allergy Relief

The Myers Cocktail is the perfect IV if you’re looking for general wellness, which makes it a top pick for many of our clients. It’s also an excellent treatment for those suffering from dreaded seasonal allergies that tend to sneak up on us this time of year. Below are the key ingredients that make this IV so powerful.

  • Full Liter of IV Fluids (great for flushing out toxins and allergens)
  • B Complex Vitamins (helps to relieve inflammation and lessen the severity of allergy
  • Vitamin B-12 (This extra boost of B12 in this IV Therapy can alleviate allergy symptoms
    by working systematically)
  • Magnesium (it is a bronchodilator and an antihistamine(
  • Vitamin C (can reduce histamine production in the body)
  • Glutathione (an antioxidant that helps support your immune system and reduces

The Benefits of IV Therapy for Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies may cause frequent sneezing, watery eyes, and overall discomfort; if you suffer from these symptoms, you know how unpleasant they can be. IV therapy can help alleviate your symptoms.

Though it doesn’t cure allergies, intravenous therapy can give your body the nutrients needed to strengthen its immune system (and make you less sensitive to allergens).

Experience The Difference Our Mobile IV Therapy Services Can Make

As you can see, the Myers Cocktail IV Therapy makes an excellent addition to your spring wellness routine. Maintaining general wellness is a fantastic way to keep your body strong during allergy season.

Additionally, the vitamins in this IV therapy can help allergy symptoms more acutely, as well. Vitamin C, B12, and Magnesium work fast to open your airways, prevent inflammation, and work to balance histamine levels.

Seasonal allergies in Charlotte, Raleigh, and Greensboro can be challenging, but IV Therapy can help! While it’s not a cure for allergies, it can effectively manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. Consider exploring the benefits of IV therapy for seasonal allergies and taking control of your health. Give us a call today!